Julia Esparza NOTE - Sorry for cross-posting.  Note thanks to Adela Justice who investigated on another list and found out that "VAC members are considered to have at least one year of committee service and will receive 10 AHIP points."


Hey, it's me (one of) your favorite NPC 2024 Co-Chairs back with another exciting opportunity that I think some of you hospital librarians would be perfect for! This year, we are launching a brand new Virtual Assitance Commitee to provide recommendations and assistance for virtual attendees and MLA '24 in Portland, OR.

This new committee would be similar to the Local Assistance Committee for onsite attendees, but would assist with virtual aspects of the conference, recommend virtual experiences, and generate enthusiasm and excitement about virtual offerings and engagement. A draft charge<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mlanet.org/d/do/25484__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!83dZUaZo4n4CRZ3NjT7MHO8AcgkTc6rTPl--dNL85UgaYJkfJsBe8Cod6e7PuZHIktcaoczAlnu4XQcr3DIOjqesx2yNb5Q$ [mlanet[.]org]> for the group is available and will also benefit from volunteer ideas.

If you are interested in an appointment for this new NPC subcommittee, please apply today<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mlanet.org/p/su/rd/survey=102ab0d6-50f8-11ee-a014-bc764e103913__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!83dZUaZo4n4CRZ3NjT7MHO8AcgkTc6rTPl--dNL85UgaYJkfJsBe8Cod6e7PuZHIktcaoczAlnu4XQcr3DIOjqesO3U8fpw$ [mlanet[.]org]>! Deadline for applications is October 5, 2023.

Note: Can't serve, but have ideas to share? We've left space on the application to decline service but add your ideas. [No points in that case but will make the meeting better.]

Thank you!


Liz Kellermeyer, MSLS, AHIP
Director, Library & Knowledge Services
National Jewish Health