OSCER users,

Forwarding from the Linux Clusters Institute.

Please reply directly to them, and please feel free to
forward to anyone who may be interested and appropriate.



Linux Clusters Institute Introductory Workshop
Feb 5-9 2024, Arizona State U Tempe
Contact: Lavanya Podila ([log in to unmask])
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://linuxclustersinstitute.org/home/2024-lci-introductory-workshop/__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!7ohF7m9wij-5baoIDFT41XRgobNbPf3B74JdZQN2E1qxc6w2_AetfyhmpWjvNtLBadFLnaGfvOnLTScumEzV5io$ [linuxclustersinstitute[.]org]


The Linux Clusters Institute is hosting an Introductory Workshop
at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona from
5th Feb – 9th Feb 2024.

Registration is now OPEN.

The workshop is aimed at Linux system administrators new to HPC.

In just five days you will:

* Learn HPC system administration concepts and technologies
and how to apply them

* Get hands-on skills building a small test cluster in
lab sessions

* Hear real-life stories and get to ask experts questions in
panel discussions

https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://linuxclustersinstitute.org/home/2024-lci-introductory-workshop/__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!7ohF7m9wij-5baoIDFT41XRgobNbPf3B74JdZQN2E1qxc6w2_AetfyhmpWjvNtLBadFLnaGfvOnLTScumEzV5io$ [linuxclustersinstitute[.]org]