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Applications are open! Apply for MLA Conference travel funding through the Ysabel Bertolucci MLA Annual Conference Grant

The Ysabel Bertolucci MLA Annual Conference Grant recognizes Ysabel Bertolucci's exemplary career as a member of the Medical Library Association (MLA) and her many contributions to its sections, chapters, and board. Endowed in 2014, the Bertolucci Grant recognizes a health sciences librarian who is involved in nursing, allied health, consumer health or international librarianship.

The Bertolucci grant provides one award of up to $1,000 toward travel expenses associated with in-person attendance at the annual MLA conference. Applicants must be current members of MLA as well as being currently employed as a health information professional. Preference will be given to applicants with two to five years of professional experience, first-time conference attendees, and/or those who are presenting a paper, poster, or lightning talk at the conference.

The application period opens Wednesday, December 6. Further information and application guidelines can be found here: MLA : About : Ysabel Bertolucci MLA Annual Conference Grant (<;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!7pMnzUoVyILLYviupnkTwV7k4XxGaWZ8H_3wdeDulkEorpi7JpyjSs7TZ99po7VGGoixzgcuh6TeL-2r8EPL8RC29WOiVw$ [mlanet[.]org]>. One application serves for both the EBSCO and Bertolucci Annual Conference Travel Grants, so there's no need to apply twice.