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From: Research Information Services <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 2, 2024 1:44 PM
Subject: LIMITED SUBMISSION: DOE Integrated Biological and Computational Low Dose Radiation Research



DOE Integrated Biological and Computational Low Dose Radiation Research


Link to FOA




DOE SC program in Biological and Environmental Research (BER) hereby announces its interest in development of integrated biological and computational research to gain a mechanistic understanding of the effects of low dose radiation exposure on cellular functions. The long-term goal is to build on the understanding of radiation effects on cellular function and establish comprehensive datasets amenable to incorporation into increasingly capable AI/ML models to identify both transient and persistent changes in cellular metabolism that may be linked to adverse health outcomes. This announcement builds on BER’s past efforts in low dose radiation research but seeks to take advantage of rapid technological changes in high throughput genomics, ‘omics and computational (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning [AI/ML]) technologies in recent years to advance a more mechanistic understanding of low dose and low dose rate effects on cellular metabolism. Developing a large compendium of high-quality datasets coupled with advances in AI/ML computational techniques trained on such data and integrated within the larger scientific literature on cellular processes affords the ability to explore a more mechanistic understanding of the impact low dose radiation has on cellular function. Over the long-term, this approach can provide a mechanistic basis for identifying markers and/or patterns in altered cellular function that may be indicative of or associated with an adverse health outcome. These approaches may also provide new insights into the uncertainties of health effects seen in epidemiological studies due to low dose radiation exposure and provide a basis to explore links to health effects other than cancer.



Internal Submission Information: The University of Oklahoma will be limited to no more than one (1) pre-application and application. If you are interested in submitting an application for this solicitation, you must submit an internal application by 5:00pm on January 16, 2024


On the internal application, please select DOE Integrated Biological and Computational Low Dose Radiation Research from the dropdown menu for the Agency and Program Name.


The internal application must be submitted online via this link: Internal Application and should include:


  • A two-page pre-application that includes the following components as described on pages 12-13 of the solicitation:
    • Cover information (title of pre-application, PI name and job title, lead institution, etc.)
    • Scientific hypothesis (maximum 100 words)
    • Clear and concise description of the objectives and technical approach of the proposed research
  • A list of potential team members




Internal application deadline – 5:00pm on January 16, 2024

Agency deadline for pre-application – February 6, 2024

Agency deadline for full application – April 2, 2024


Disclaimer:  While the Office of Research Services (ORS) makes every effort to ensure that correct information is released regarding all Sponsor funding solicitations, it is still incumbent upon the researcher and his/her designee(s) to reconfirm the accuracy of any information provided in the Sponsor links.  Sometimes, Sponsors change or revise funding announcements without notice to the recipients.  Therefore, please review the most current guidelines and conditions of a proposal solicitation thoroughly and carefully before submitting your proposal.