OSCER users at OU,

Forwarding from OU Libraries.

Please reply directly to them, and please feel free to
forward to anyone who may be interested and appropriate.


Please check out OU Libraries events calendar for January for Spring 2024:

Our workshop schedule this upcoming semester includes:

* R
* Python
* Unix/Linux shell (multiple levels)
* Zotero
* LaTeX
* Managing Research Data
* File Storage and Collaborating with the Open Science Framework
* Formatting information for analysis
* Version control with Git

And more.

We will still send out reminders to register for each workshop 
three weeks ahead of the date, but registration is open now 
for all of them.

Interested in the workshop topics but can’t make it? Please 
reach out to Claire Curry and let her know if you’d like to 
schedule a workshop for your class, research group, club, or 
any other OU community.


Claire M. Curry
Ph.D. (she/hers)
Science Librarian
­­Phone: (405) 325-5385
Email: [log in to unmask]
University Libraries
The University of Oklahoma
401 W. Brooks St. | Norman, OK 73019