Hi all,

Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries (JERML) is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the evaluation of electronic resources in the health sciences. As an essential journal within the field, it aims to chronicle trends and innovations that serve professionals working in medical libraries. The current issue is seeking contributors for the forthcoming issues of the Information Rx column which previews emerging technologies and recent developments in medical libraries. Topics can vary but should be concentrated on evaluation of information resources (database and web tools, mobile apps, systematic review software, etc.) particular to the profession.

Articles should be in the 1500-word range. If you would like to contribute, or have further questions, please contact the column editor, Dan Stuart, at [log in to unmask]

Best regards,

Daniel B. Stuart, PhD, MLS

Librarian, Faculty Associate

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

3601 4th Street STOP 7781

Lubbock, TX 79430


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