OSCER users,
Forwarding from the Linux Clusters Institute.
Please reply directly to them, and please feel free to
forward to anyone who may be interested and appropriate.
Linux Clusters Institute Workshop
Intermediate Cluster Supercomputer System Adminstration
May 13-17 2024, U Oklahoma Norman campus
Contact: Lavanya Podila (
[log in to unmask])
(If you've already registered, or you've alerted us that
you can't attend, please ignore this or forward it to others.)
If you have some experience as an HPC Linux system administrator
and want to expand your skills, this is the workshop for you!
In just five days you will:
* Strengthen your overall knowledge of HPC system administration;
* Focus in depth on file systems and storage, HPC networks,
job schedulers, and Ceph;
* Get hands-on training and discuss real-life stories with
experienced HPC administrators.
Those who have attended an LCI Introductory Workshop in the
past are especially encouraged to attend!
Prerequisite: One year of experience with cluster supercomputer
system administration
Registration is OPEN -- Early Bird deadline Sat March 30 --
SAVE $105!
$645 through March 30
$750 after March 30
(Click the “Fill out new form” button to start your registration.)
Registration includes daily breakfast and lunch!
Note that the workshop location has limited seating.
Registration will be available until that maximum capacity
is reached and then will be closed.
Deadline to apply for Charlie Bender Scholarships:
Sat March 30 2024
Workshop Schedule
Travel and Lodging information
LCI was founded by the National Center for Supercomputing
Applications, the Center for High Performance Computing at
the University of New Mexico, and the Advanced Computing
Technology Center at the IBM Watson Research Center.