Hi Everybody,
Hope everyone has had a great week and enjoyed Green Country Hamfest last weekend, As usual its Friday so that means Ham Happy Hour today at 1600 Hrs off course 1700 for Peter.. Hope to see you all on zoom the link below to the new link also Mr Section Manager provided another link as well that links to the new link....

https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://w5nor.org/asdz/__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!7LsfgJt2snTRZa9NyT3OPNWotmpUg5MneyPUiW1l3pCptoR-l6r8Li_VA63FskXT9jRSKQVolFxpQSwy47xKegXQujqS$ [w5nor[.]org]

Join Zoom Meetinghttps://oklahoma.zoom.us/j/8900306794?pwd=UUJBUzQzZEp6OWNTdHBycXBIZHo4Zz09&omn=95045117322
Meeting ID: 890 030 6794Passcode: HAMRADIO

Jon ArnettAC4CH


FM: 146.8800- ||  DMR: 443.8250+  || D-STAR: 444.7500+ || w5tc.org


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