OSCER users, We will be holding two classes on Zoom during the month of July, for instructing how to get bettter performance when using the Intel compilers. Attendees will be shown examples on how to compile and best practices for using the Intel compilers and their associated libraries. Zoom Meeting https://oklahoma.zoom.us/j/94085549828?pwd=LzJcwWyDtsmA4SiKaJJbYc1k4XOC7D.1 Meeting ID: 940 8554 9828 Passcode: 73448416 July 18th 10:00 am - noon 10:00 Introductions 10:10 – 11:30 Intel Compilers Update IFX, Intel Fortran Compiler - Ifort to IFX migration ICX, Intel C++ Compiler DPC++ SYCL - ICC to ICX migration Intel SYCLomatic 11:30 – 12:00 Libraries Intel® MPI Library oneMKL, Math Kernel Library July 25th 10:00am - noon 10:00 Intel® AI Analytics Toolkit - Intel Distribution for Python - OneCCL, Collective Communications Library - oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) - OneDAL, Data Analytics Library