OSCER users, COMING THIS WED (SEP 25)! FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE SUMMARY: OKLAHOMA SUPERCOMPUTING SYMPOSIUM 2024 Our 23rd annual conference! LIVE VIA ZOOM ONLY Wed Sep 25 2024 9:00am-5:00pm Central Time Contact: Henry Neeman ([log in to unmask]) http://www.oscer.ou.edu/Symposium2024/ Registration: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ousurvey.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bp9HCitq3YnfQi2__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!_1EICnwYIEKiN3dtRteJ1GM4f_hOCh7C55MqPbnjXQ6hDF_7fK3R1NC6yBvj9gWrWhIkViF14FwM3CTuY6E3fEo$ [ousurvey[.]qualtrics[.]com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ousurvey.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bp9HCitq3YnfQi2__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!-K0SYqsh0NiritlD2D3OmTHp8LuyBO48zdjcfjkHpXNsq89AAgHkdbKVH_rQJQUbWDLlxP0FNWKj$> So far, we've had: * 100 registrations in the first 17 hours; * 200 registrations in the first 22 hours; * 300 registrations in just over 2 days; * 400 registrations in just over 3 1/2 days; * 500 registrations in less than 5 days; * almost 650 registrations so far, beating all previous Symposium registration records! WOW! --- AGENDA 9:00-9:05am CT: WELCOME: Chris Kobza, Interim CIO, U Oklahoma 9:05-9:45am CT: Henry Neeman, U Oklahoma "OSCER State of the Center Address" 10:00-11:00am CT: Amy Apon, National Science Foundation "Opportunities in the NSF Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure and Update on the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource" (NAIRR) 11:15-noon CT: Alan Chalker, Ohio Supercomputer Center "Open OnDemand: Connecting Computing Power with Powerful Minds" 1:15-2:00pm CT: Todd Gamblin, Lawrence Livermore National Lab "El Capitan: The First NNSA Exascale System" 2:15-3:00pm CT: Erik Deumens, U Florida "HITRUST Compliance for Legally Regulated Computing and Data on HPC Systems" 3:15-4:00pm CT: PANEL: "How the OneOklahoma Cyberinfrastructure Initiative Enables CI Funding" Moderator: Dana Brunson, Internet2 Panelists: Pratul Agarwal (Oklahoma State University) Brian Burkhart (OneNet) Franklin Fondjo Fotou (Langston University) Henry Neeman (University of Oklahoma) Stephen Wheat (Oral Roberts University) 4:15-5:00pm CT: Dan Stanzione, Texas Advanced Computing Center Talk title to be announced --- Please feel free to forward this to anyone who might be interested -- undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, staff, professionals, colleagues etc. Many thanks. If you've received this note in error, or you've already registered, please ignore it, or forward it to others. DETAILS: Are you interested in the FREE Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium 2024 on Wed Sep 25? It'll be LIVE VIA ZOOM ONLY! Over the past 22 Symposia, we've had over 5000 attendees from: * 319 academic institutions in 47 US states and 4 US territories plus 10 other countries, including: -- 34 Minority Serving Institutions, -- 109 non-PhD-granting institutions, -- 114 academic institutions in 25 of 28 EPSCoR jurisdictions (among them 43 institutions in Oklahoma); * 206 private companies; * 51 government agencies (federal, state, municipal, non-US); * 35 non-governmental/non-profit organizations. The 2024 Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium will be held Wed Sep 25 all day, LIVE VIA ZOOM ONLY. We'd be delighted to have you participate. It's a great way to learn what's happening on the advanced computing side of your research and teaching areas. The Symposium is FREE! And, if you know of colleagues or students -- graduate, undergraduate, community college, career tech, high school -- who are interested in these areas, this is a great opportunity to introduce them to these topics, especially because it's FREE. If you've received this note in error, please ignore it. --- Henry Neeman ([log in to unmask]) Director, OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research (OSCER) Associate Professor, Gallogly College of Engineering Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Computer Science OU Information Technology The University of Oklahoma Engineering Lab 212, 200 Felgar St, Norman OK 73019 405-325-5386 (office), 405-325-5486 (fax), 405-245-3823 (cell), [log in to unmask] (to email me a text message) http://www.oscer.ou.edu/