OSCER users, On behalf of the OSCER team, we wish a happy and restful break to all, and a Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate the holiday! During the break, all OSCER machines will be in production, but OSCER staff will be off starting from this evening (Wed Nov 27) 5:00pm Central Time until Monday morning (Dec 2). If you need our help, please do email us at [log in to unmask] (But expect to wait until Monday for a response from us.) --- Henry Neeman ([log in to unmask]) Director, OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research (OSCER) Associate Professor, Gallogly College of Engineering Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Computer Science OU Information Technology The University of Oklahoma Engineering Lab 212, 200 Felgar St, Norman OK 73019 405-325-5386 (office), 405-325-5486 (fax), 405-245-3823 (cell), [log in to unmask] (to email me a text message) http://www.oscer.ou.edu/