Thanks for sending this Peter!
I would highly encourage HAMs who are also current OU students to apply for this program. I did so a few years ago, and was awarded $10K which I used to pay for my last year of PhD studies, and to purchase a workstation which enabled me to finish my dissertation by training AI models locally! I'll repost the link below:
73 de W3JDG // HK3JDG
Jorge A. Duarte, Ph.D.
Data Scientist, Systems Engineer
Postdoctoral Research Associate
CIWRO: Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather
Research and Operations
National Weather Center
The University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK, USA
[log in to unmask]
Tel. +1 (405)-325-6483
[log in to unmask]">Free money for school.
Hello all,Ham Happy Hour today at 1600 CST, Either link will get you on the call.
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Jon ArnettAC4CH
########################################################################Peter Laws | VE[23]UWY / N5UWY | plaws0 gmail com | Travel by Train!
FM: 146.8800- || DMR: 443.8250+ || D-STAR: 444.7500+ ||
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