If the code is good and has compiled on Linux, then there is no reason
that it won't compile on Mac OS X. To do this you need Macs Developer
Tools installed and functional.
Visit http://developer.apple.com/macosx/ and download or install Xcode
from the CD provided with the G5. Also install X11 from the Mac CD. or
download it and install it. You will need it.
The latest version of compiler from Developer tools is gcc version 3.3.
You can then use the command line to compile your program for Mac. If
the program has a make file with it, you can use make to build and
install your programs. Don't use fink to install the compilers. Mac
have their own bundle which integrates nicely. You may also find their
Developer tools handy for handling large programming projects.
On Apr 2, 2004, at 10:02 AM, Todd Walker wrote:
> The letter below is from Adam Zlotnick, a researcher from OU who
> has attended some of our ISG-LUG meetings. Can anyone post
> here some recommendations for documentations for his
> Linux programmer, who is trying for the first time to compile a
> Linux program for OS X? I understand that he does have the
> Fink package installed, but don't know if he understands yet
> how to use it. Web links to development sites, etc. would
> be appreciated.
> Dear Todd,
> Thanks for allowing me to put you on the spot yesterday. The
> programmer
> you talked to, Paul Moisant, is writing code that will enable use to
> describe every possible intermediate in the assembly of a given virus.
> The resulting database is expected to have more than half a million
> intermediates. I am hoping to make the best use of my G5 for these
> calculations. My hope is that the difficulties are just minor
> differences in platform specific syntax that will be relatively easy to
> overcome once we know where to look. Paul is experienced with Red Hat
> Linux on a PC, and if need be we can move to one of the Linux boxes
> here. But, since neither use Red Hat, I suspect we will run into
> alternative incompatabilities.
> Besides the web sites, can you recommend any text that will
> specifically address C++ in OSX?
> Thanks again.
> AZ
> _______________________________________________________
> Adam Zlotnick, Ph.D.
> Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center phone: (405) 271-9030
> Biochemistry and Molecular Biology fax: (405)
> 271-3910
> 975 NE 10th St., BRC464 email:
> [log in to unmask]
> Oklahoma City, OK 73104
> http://w3.ouhsc.edu/biochem/zlotnick.htm
Yasvir Tesiram
PostDoctoral Fellow
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Dept. Free Radical Biology and Ageing
825 NE 13th Street, OKC, OK, 73104
P: (405) 271 7126
F: (405) 271 1795
E: [log in to unmask]