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OMRF's Information Support Group <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 16 Dec 2003 13:24:11 -0600
OMRF's Information Support Group <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Danny G Smith <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (70 lines)
I am also working with a hybrid environment, a mixture of SGI, SuSE
Linux, Redhat Linux, Windows, and recently OSX.   We use ssh heavily,
and I personally use Reflections X on my windose machine.  We do not
open up a xdmp session on the local machine.  We tend to enable on a
session via xhost + hostname on an as needed basis.  It is my
understanding that there is a firewall, but no rules have been


Yasvir Tesiram wrote:

>Hi all,
>I thought I would initially put his up for discussion on LUG.
>I have some questions relating to security and potential issues for users
>of the MRI facilities computers for processing and viewing MRI and NMR
>I will be in most cases responsible for making sure that users get their
>MRI data until we get a bonafide systems administrator. We will mainly be
>a Unix based facility. There will be many flavors of Unix. Currently we
>have RedHat, Debian, MacOSX (Darwin and X11, I guess I'll just call it
>Net/FreeBSD hotch potch). But most of our users will be using Windows or
>Macintosh (without Darwin X11) computers. To overcome software
>incompatibilities we have decided to make the software availble from our
>computers via X software such as X-Win32. My question is regarding
>security during remote connections. I would like to provide the users with
>XDMCP access. But something tells me that we are not behind a firewall. In
>which case I am reluctant to use XDMCP. Which leaves me with the ssh -X
>solution. I guess what I am really after is a secure XDMCP connection.
>1. Does anybody know if there is such a thing.
>2. Are we behind a firewall?
>3. Is anyone running a Unix based network inside
>4. How have you provided access to specialist software?
>I'm open to all questions/suggestions/jibes etc. Thanks in advance.
>Yasvir A. Tesiram
>Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
>Dept. Free Radical Biology and Ageing
>825 NE 13th St, OKC, OK, 73112, USA
>P: (405) 271 7126
>F: (405) 271 1795
>E: [log in to unmask]

Danny G Smith

Crystallography Core Computer Manager / Sr UNIX Sys Adm
Crystallography Dept Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
phone(405)271-8954   fax(405)271-7953   dept(405)271-1672
UNIX air conditioned environment, keep the windows closed