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Danny G Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
OMRF's Information Support Group <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Dec 2004 15:35:27 -0600
text/plain (39 lines)
Alan Shields wrote:

>Since Quyen is no longer at the OMRF, there's no one to organize the ISG
>meetings. I was thinking about this and I came to the conclusion:
>"organized? ISG meetings? It was more like 'show up on such-and-such
>date if you want to show up on such-and-such date.'"
>Considering that's how I like to do things - and I think everyone else
>did too - we could probably keep doing that, with no need for a central
>So, in that spirit, I'm going to be a daredevil and propose that we meet
>on the 3rd Thursday of this month (December 16th), unless that's a
>holiday. If I get more than two "yeah, I'll show up" emails back, I'll
>try to lay my paws on a conference room.
>Anybody have anything they want talked about?
>If someone has a PC laptop available, I can demonstrate how to use
>Knoppix to do a virus scan of a Windows computer without starting
>Windows.  Will also need an internet connection.
yea i will show up....

Danny G Smith

OMRF Intramurial Computer Manager / Sr UNIX System Admin
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Mon-Wed phone(405)271-8954  /  Wed-Fri phone(405)271-6130
UNIX air conditioned environment, keep the windows closed