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Rachel Morley <[log in to unmask]>
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Rachel Morley <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 29 Jan 2009 11:25:49 +1100
text/plain (2772 bytes) , cfp.gmj.pdf (60 kB)

Global Media Journal - Australian Edition

Theme: The Need for Speed - Mobile Communication and Media

Deadline for Abstracts/Proposals: 15 March, 2009

Human history is replete with stories and myths about the consequences of communication delayed, misdirected, or completely lacking at a crucial time. Such incidents include the run by the herald Pheidippides after the Persian landing at Marathon, Paul Revere´s famous midnight ride in the American Revolution, the military communication disasters of the Charge of the Light Brigade and Gallipoli, and the tragic SOS call from the Titanic. 

Today, disasters or the tragic consequences of miscommunication can rarely be attributed to problems of communication access or timeliness. Rather, contemporary mobile communication technology has enabled a constant stream of communication, which leads to a new set of issues and new forms of miscommunication. 

This issue of Global Media Journal - Australian Edition will address the contemporary focus on "the need for speed" associated with mobile communications technology diffusion and its integration into the communication practices globally, especially in relation to the dissemination of news.

Contributions are invited that address the impact and consequences of the increased speed and mobility of communication, and the demand for more rapid responses to events as they occur.

Contributions of traditional essay-style discussions, commentary or analysis are welcome. We also welcome the use of additional media to support contributions to the journal, where appropriate. Please describe any supporting materials that could be used to illustrate or support the proposed contribution, such as still or moving images and/or audio.

The theme may be addressed by considering "the need for speed" in relation to: 

*	Mobility and communication 
*	News and information production 
*	Media production 
*	Media consumption 
*	Cultural and social effects 
*	Theories of communication 
*	Theories of the media 
*	Representation of communication and media 

Date for Abstracts/Proposals: March 15, 2009
Complete Final Submissions: June 1, 2009

Submission Guidelines: http://stc.uws.edu.au/gmjau/submissions.html

Guest Editor
Dr Collette Snowden
School of Communication
University of South Australia
[log in to unmask] 
Tel: +61 8 83024474

(Sent on behalf of the GMJ/AU Editorial team)
Rachel Morley
School of Communication Arts
University of Western Sydney
Locked Bag 1797
Penrith South DC NSW 1797
(0404) 473 373
Global Media Journal: 
http://stc.uws.edu.au/gmjau/index.html <http://stc.uws.edu.au/gmjau/index.html>