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This listserv will be used to facilitate communication among alternative media academics <[log in to unmask]>
Dorothy Kidd <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 22 Mar 2006 12:45:35 -0800
To: Aliza Dichter <[log in to unmask]>
Dorothy Kidd <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (5 kB) , text/plain (5 kB)
This is another call for support from our friends in Korea, as a result of trade negotiations 
with the US.
Please forward as widely as possible,

>Dear all,
>This is another comment on the copyright issues in the Korea-US FTA.
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: IPLeft <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Tue, 21, Mar 2006 18:34:02 +0900
>Subject: [A2k] (Korea-US FTA) Seeking signatures on COPYRIGHT comment
>To: [log in to unmask]
>South Korea and United States are preparing for the FTA negotiation.
>On the negotiation agenda, intellectual property issues are given a
>top priority. IPLeft and other NGOs prepared a written comment
>(download at http://www.ipleft.or.kr/fta/20060324-CoalitionLetterofNGOs-copyright.pdf)
>on copyright issues that will be submitted to the USTR. Written
>comments are due by noon, March 24, 2006 via e-mail. IPLeft is seeking
>signature from many individuals and organizations in U.S on this
>comment. People and organizations that want to join this effort and
>put their names on the written comment, please reply to
>[log in to unmask] with their names and addresses (post address, Web
>site address or/and e-mail address) BY MIDNIGHT, MARCH 23, 2006. If
>you know people or organizations that might want to join as a
>signatory, please forward this e-mail message to them.
>I ask you to keep up on with the future development of the South
>Korea-U.S. FTA negotiation and to be a part of this fight against it.
>The following paragraphs are excerpted from the written comment:
>We strongly oppose the inclusion of the copyright clause in the
>current FTA negotiation between Korea and the United States.
>Considering the FTA that the United States negotiated with Singapore,
>Australia, and Chile, and what the United States has been demanding
>from the Korean government thus far, we assume that the United States
>will request copyright protection similar to or stronger than the
>United States copyright laws such as the 1998 DMCA(Digital Millennium
>Copyright Act).
>However, the DMCA and extending the copyright protection period in the
>Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act (CTEA) have been under much
>criticism because it obstructs fair use, science research, technology
>advancement, and publishing. Furthermore, there are strong concerns
>about how it impedes computer security research. Nonetheless, United
>States has been imposing their own copyright laws on other countries
>by adopting laws similar to the DMCA in the FTA. Among them, we cannot
>allow the extension of the copyright protection period to 70 years or
>setting the penalty for circumventing the technical measures for
>protection at the broad level of the laws in the United States because
>these clauses violate the fundamental principles of the copyright
>laws. The United States must stop such demands on the Korean
>government immediately.
>Nam Hee-seob, Chairperson of Intellectual Property Left
>Jungbongwon Bd. 5F, 502, 1-13,
>Chungpa-dong 1ga,Yongsan-gu,
>Seoul, Korea (140-868)
>Website) http://www.ipleft.or.kr

Dept. of Media Studies,
University of San Francisco.
2130 Fulton St.
San Francisco, California  94117-1080.
[log in to unmask]

----- Original Message -----
From: Aliza Dichter <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 10:03 am
Subject: Fwd:  letter on korean screen quota - sign on by March 23!
> ( una carta en la ayuda del cuota de la película Koreano)
> Begin forwarded message:
> > From: Frannie Wellings <[log in to unmask]>
> > Date: March 22, 2006 11:22:23 AM EST
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: [cc-mediareform] letter on korean screen quota - sign on 
> by 
> > March 23!
> >
> >   Hi everyone,
> >
> >  I'm hoping organizations on this list can sign on in support of 
> the 
> > attached letter prepared by the International Network for 
> Cultural 
> > Diversity. The letter concerns the Korean Screen Quota which 
> protects 
> > the Korean film industry and Korean culture and is currently 
> > threatened by free trade negotiations between the United States 
> of 
> > America and the Republic of Korea. 
> >
> >  In January 2006, Korea announced it is reducing its movie 
> theater 
> > screen quota system by 50 percent, effective July 2006.  As the 
> letter 
> > states, the INCD believes the US negotiation "interferes with the 
> > democratic will of the Korean people to have their political 
> > representatives protect and promote Korean culture." For more 
> > information, read the letter below from Garry Neil and James Early.
> >
> >  To sign on or if you have any questions, contact Garry Neil at 
> > [log in to unmask] or 416.268.5665.  Deadline for signatures is 
> > tomorrow, March 23rd!
> >
> >  Thank you,
> >
> >  Frannie
> >
> >  
> >  
> >  

> 19 March 2005 >   > URGENT APPEAL FOR LETTERS OF SUPPORT > FROM U.S. ORGANIZATIONS >   > The United States is about to launch negotiations for a free trade > agreement with the Republic of Korea.  The Office of the U.S. Trade > Representative has called for public comments on the proposed talks, > which must be received by noon on March 24th. >                                                                         >                      > The INCD is inviting you to sign on to an important submission it will > file on the deadline.  We urge you to read this material and indicate > your support no later than the end of the day March 23rd, by replying > to this email.  Include a brief description of your organization, or > indicate if you are signing as an individual. >   > What are the issues? > The price for opening negotiations for a free trade agreement was > Korea’s agreement to accede to U.S. pressure to reduce its successful > cinema screen quota.  The 50 percent reduction will take effect in > July 2006.  Since it was implemented in 1993, this quota has fuelled a > rapid growth of the Korean film industry which increased its share of > the domestic market from 16 percent to more than 47 percent in 12 > years.  Korean films have achieved international acclaim and their > availability has increased choices for movie goers everywhere.  The > reduction in the screen quota will threaten this remarkable record and > the Korean film industry believes U.S. pressure will continue in the > upcoming talks in an attempt to completely eliminate the quota. >   > U.S. movies continue to have strong access to Korean cinemas: foreign > movies can be shown 60 percent of the time on each screen.  Further, > the quota has driven a tremendous growth in overall attendance, from > 58 million in 1999 to more than 130 million in 2004, which has > benefited U.S. movies. >   > This issue highlights the huge gulf between the United States and the > rest of the world on cultural diversity.  The U.S. was one of only two > countries which opposed the adoption in October 2005 of the new UNESCO > convention on cultural diversity.  INCD and its U.S. members believe > that there is need for civil society and governments in the United > States to be leaders in promoting diversity and cultural equality, > both within the U.S. and globally.  The U.S. needs to confirm its > sovereign right to implement policies on the arts, culture and the > media, including the promotion of diversity in the media.  >   > What is the submission calling for? > The submission urges the United States government: > • To propose an unrestricted and unlimited exemption for cultural > goods and services from the terms of the free trade agreement with the > Republic of Korea. > • To exercise leadership to promote cultural diversity > internationally, and within the United States itself, by ratifying the > UNESCO Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of > cultural expressions. >   > We know this is a late request, but we only just received the > information.  We hope you will send your letter of support to us > quickly. >   > In solidarity, > James Early, Smithsonian Institution and INCD Steering Committee > Garry Neil, INCD Executive Director >   > For more information: > Garry Neil 416.268.5665 >   > *  *  *  * > Frannie Wellings > Free Press > (202) 265-1490 x 21 > http://www.freepress.net > > Media is the issue. >   > To unsubscribe, change your address, or temporarily deactivate your > subscription, please go to > http://v2.listbox.com/member/?member_id=1793730&user_secret=387be0d0