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Brianna Versteeg <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 10 Sep 2012 09:47:18 -0500
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How OU Habitat Builds Are Organized
Joshua Wakeam
Student Volunteer Coordinator
Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter
In Order To Participate
First, everyone who wants to participate in OU Habitat Builds is to give me your contact information and general availability for Fridays and Saturdays.
I create teams of 15 based on this availability, and send groups out to builds—I currently have 3 teams.
Rotating teams will distribute builds evenly, and account for people who cannot make it to OU Habitat Meetings on Wednesday nights.
Second, you must sign a waiver before you can participate.  They usually have a few on the site, but it's best to view it from either the OUHFH or CCHFH website, print it out, and bring it with you.  Volunteers must be over 16, and anyone under 18 needs a guardian signature.

Third, registering as a CCHFH volunteer with Volunteer UP will clock your hours.  The link can be found on either the OUHFH or CCHFH websites.  On build sites, you will be asked to sign in and out, and these hours are logged.

Can’t Make It Policy
If you cannot come to a build, please e-mail me a week ahead of time if possible, in order to give build opportunities to people that are not scheduled.
Know your schedule, upcoming exams, and events.  I will do my best to not schedule builds during these times, and I will give about 2 weeks of notice for a build.

Where to Sign Up for Shifts That Are Dropped
Dropped shifts will be posted on our website’s Build Transfer Blog, since no one is available every time a build is scheduled for various reasons.  When someone e-mails me to cancel their shift, I will post it there.
Simply comment on the post to take the shift.

Important Links and Additional Info.
Everything discussed can be found on our website’s volunteer tab, along with build locations, upcoming events....

Thank you for your interest in OU Habitat for Humanity!
Joshua Wakeam