Communication for the Heartland Regional Genetics Group


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"Whitehead, Shona R. (HSC)" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 19 Sep 2012 10:19:02 -0500
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From: Elizabeth Stark [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 8:59 AM
Subject: Genetic Alliance Funds Innovation in Newborn Screening

September 19, 2012

Contact: Elizabeth Stark, MS, CGC
202-966-5557 x207
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Genetic Alliance Funds Innovation in Newborn Screening
2013 Baby's First Test Challenge Awards Request for Proposals Released

WASHINGTON, DC - September 19, 2012 - Genetic Alliance invites proposals for the 2013 Baby's First Test Challenge Awards. Genetic Alliance will distribute several Awards up to $20,000 each for organizations to increase newborn screening awareness and integrate Baby's First Test<http://listserv.galists.org/t/681372/428560/1826/0/> into new or existing outreach, engagement, or educational efforts.

Baby's First Test is the nation's educational resource center for newborn screening. It informs and empowers families and healthcare providers throughout the newborn screening experience. By increasing awareness about newborn screening, Baby's First Test offers millions of newborns and their families a chance at a healthy start. Past Challenge Awardees include hospitals, regional genetics collaboratives, nonprofits, consumer advocacy organizations, and state laboratories.

Genetic Alliance, through Baby's First Test, will fund proposals that implement innovative solutions to challenges in the newborn screening system. The full Request for Proposals is available at http://www.BabysFirstTest.org/newborn-screening/challenge-awards<http://listserv.galists.org/t/681372/428560/2362/0/>. Proposals will be accepted until November 9, 2012, 6:00 PM EST. Genetic Alliance will consider proposals submitted by nonprofit organizations, public health groups, research institutions, and private-sector companies. Genetic Alliance will hold a question and answer webinar on October 12, 2012, from noon to 1:00 p.m. EST. Register online at http://www.geneticalliance.org/webinars<http://listserv.galists.org/t/681372/428560/97/0/>.

The 2013 Baby's First Test Challenge Awards are an opportunity to build a bridge between Baby's First Test and the existing programs, resources, and expertise in the newborn screening community. "As a 2012 Challenge Awardee, we can testify to the importance of offering these opportunities to the newborn screening community," said Elizabeth Bradshaw, MSN, RN, CPN and Gerard R. Martin, MD. "The 2012 Challenge Award program allowed us to create and share needed educational videos for providers and families on CCHD screening and we now look forward to seeing the new and innovative ideas that will continue to increase newborn screening awareness with the next recipients." To read about the past Challenge Award recipients and to see the full Request for Proposals, please visit http://www.BabysFirstTest.org/newborn-screening/challenge-awards<http://listserv.galists.org/t/681372/428560/2362/0/>.

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About Genetic Alliance
Genetic Alliance improves health through the authentic engagement of individuals, families, and communities. Genetic Alliance is the world's leading nonprofit health advocacy organization committed to transforming health through genetics and works to connect consumers to the smart services they need to make informed decisions about their health and healthcare. Genetic Alliance's network includes more than 1,000 disease-specific advocacy organizations, as well as thousands of universities, private companies, government agencies, and public policy organizations. For more information about Genetic Alliance, visit http://www.geneticalliance.org<http://listserv.galists.org/t/681372/428560/15/0/>.

About Baby's First Test
Baby's First Test is the nation's educational resource center for newborn screening. It informs and empowers families and healthcare providers throughout the newborn screening experience. By increasing awareness, Baby's First Test offers millions of newborns and their families a chance at a healthy start. To learn more visit http://www.BabysFirstTest.org<http://listserv.galists.org/t/681372/428560/1813/0/>.