Communication for the Heartland Regional Genetics Group


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Sender: Communication for the Heartland Regional Genetics Group <[log in to unmask]>
From: "Williamson, Lori L. (HSC)" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 14:16:06 -0500
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C7B2A6.48E7DE4B"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Reply-To: Communication for the Heartland Regional Genetics Group <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: text/plain (1075 bytes) , text/html (9 kB) , NCC Collaborator June 2007_2.pdf (899 kB) , ATT281764.txt (899 kB)
2nd issue of the NCC newsletter


Lori Williamson, MS, CGC


From: [log in to unmask]
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of acmguser
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 1:57 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [Nccpi] NCC Newsletter - June 2007 Issue


Good Afternoon,


We are delighted to send you the second edition of the NCC Collaborator,
the official quarterly newsletter of the National Coordinating Center
for the Regional Genetics and Newborn Screening Collaborative Groups.  A
big thank you to all who contributed.  The deadline for RC reports for
the next newsletter is Friday July 20.


The newsletter will be posted on the NCC website shortly, at 


Please disseminate this to the members of your RC, and all others who
may be interested.


Best regards,



Judith Benkendorf, MS, CGC

Project Manager

American College of Medical Genetics

9650 Rockville Pike

Bethesda, MD 20814-3998

301.634.7127 (phone)

301.634.7275 (fax)

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Medical Genetics: Translating Genes into HealthTM



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