From: APHL Teleconference [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 11:22 AM
To: Williamson, Lori L. (HSC)
Subject: NLTN CLSI 2010 Teleconference Series
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The Association of Public Health Laboratories<http://emessaging.vertexcommunication.com/ct/3679591:1625657291:m:1:148813040:8D46D122E8876C97005CF14928832031> and the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute<http://emessaging.vertexcommunication.com/ct/3679592:1625657291:m:1:148813040:8D46D122E8876C97005CF14928832031> are pleased to announce the latest teleconferences in their 2010 series.
Spot On! Newborn Screening for Preterm, Low Birth Weight, and Sick Babies
January 14, 2010 • 1:00–2:00 PM ET
There is a growing recognition of the need for different screening strategies to produce reliable results for premature, sick, and low birth weight newborns. This program will review recommended protocols, specific to newborn screening for this population of newborns. These guidelines have been developed in response to increased rates of premature birth in some parts of the world, advances in medical care, improved survival rates of ever smaller infants, and the complexity of screening panels that now include dozens of disorders.
Please download the course flyer for full details. (PDF)<http://www.aphl.org/courses/Documents/2010/588-611-10/2010Teleconferences%20CLSI.pdf>
Click here for online registration<http://www.aphl.org/clsi>
Julie Miller, BS, Program Manager, Newborn Screening & Genetics, Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services, Lincoln, NE
Judith Tuerck, RN, MS, Oregon State Public Health Laboratory, Aloha, OR
Learning Level: Intermediate
Continuing Education Credit
Continuing education credit is available.
Individual Teleconferences: $195 price include a 6 month web archive access
• Register online at www.aphl.org/clsi<http://www.aphl.org/clsi>
• Registration fee per site (for one phone line) includes access to the archived webcast for six months.
• Select a site representative. This needs to be someone who can receive all communication via email.
• The site representative must register.
• If you have difficulty with the online registration process, please email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or call 240.485.2727 between 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM (ET). After your facility’s registration is confirmed, you will receive all necessary instructions and paperwork via email.
• For program content information, please email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
For more detailed information, please refer to the course flyer.
The Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) Department of Continuing Education and Training sponsors educational programs on critical issues in laboratory science. For a complete list of courses, visit www.aphl.org/courses<http://www.aphl.org/courses>
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