OSCER users,
Forwarding from the Research Computing at Smaller Institutions
Please reply directly to them, and please feel free to
forward to anyone who may be interested and appropriate.
CONFERENCE: Research Computing at Smaller Institutions (RCSI)
June 4-5 2024 @ Swarthmore College, Swarthmore PA
Contact: Jason Simms ([log in to unmask])
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rcsi.swarthmore.edu/__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!_5Ms_vxS1YIQFZkDCrB76fJxaUnLFR8yBFYIRzHbhssIZVCen_geVTKjEn5VgY65Nzu_KQhgenanZ6iwg1RRWAc$ [rcsi[.]swarthmore[.]edu]
Swarthmore College will be hosting the Research Computing at
Smaller Institutions (RCSI) conference, June 4-5 2024.
The event represents the evolution from prior Mindshares on
HPC at Liberal Arts Colleges, held in 2020, 2022, and 2023,
and will target the broader landscape of research computing
at smaller (i.e., non-R1) institutions, including
data storage, reproducible (and ever-more complex) workflows,
collaboration, user and environment management, etc.
While June 2024 seems far away, indicating initial interest
helps us to plan in terms of spaces, lodging, and costs.
If you might be interested in attending, please check out
the website and submit the brief interest form:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rcsi.swarthmore.edu/__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!_5Ms_vxS1YIQFZkDCrB76fJxaUnLFR8yBFYIRzHbhssIZVCen_geVTKjEn5VgY65Nzu_KQhgenanZ6iwg1RRWAc$ [rcsi[.]swarthmore[.]edu]
We look forward to welcoming you all and seeing both familiar
and new faces!
Warmest regards,
Jason L. Simms, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Manager of Research Computing
Swarthmore College
Information Technology Services
(610) 328-8102
Schedule a meeting: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://calendly.com/jlsimms__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!_5Ms_vxS1YIQFZkDCrB76fJxaUnLFR8yBFYIRzHbhssIZVCen_geVTKjEn5VgY65Nzu_KQhgenanZ6iwLtFXS4w$ [calendly[.]com]