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David Akin <[log in to unmask]>
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David Akin <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 May 2022 08:26:42 -0500
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OSCER users,
Schooner maintenance is now starting. The maintenance is scheduled until
midnight tonight Oklahoma time.


On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 10:36 AM Henry Neeman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> OSCER users,
> Because of Schooner's scheduled maintenance outage this coming
> Wed (May 11), if you submit batch jobs to Schooner between now
> and then, it might happen that those jobs get delayed until
> after the scheduled maintenance outage ends.
> You can get such jobs to run before the scheduled maintenance
> outage by reducing the amount of wall clock time you request,
> specifically the following #SBATCH directive:
> #SBATCH --time=DD-HH:MM:SS
> OR
> DD: 2-digit number of days
> HH: 2-digit number of hours
> MM: 2-digit number of minutes
> SS: 2-digit number of seconds
> (Or you might use a different time format, like HH:MM:SS
> without the number of days and the hyphen.)
> For example, if you submit the job at noon today, be sure to
> request at most 44 hours (you should probably request 40 hours
> or less, to have a margin of error).
> We apologize for the inconvenience -- our goal is to make
> OSCER systems and services even better!
> The OSCER Team ([log in to unmask])
> ----------
> On Thu, 5 May 2022, Henry Neeman wrote:
> >OSCER users,
> >
> >This coming Wednesday (May 11) 8:00am-midnight, we'll hold
> >an outage to upgrade to the most recent stable version of
> >the Slurm batch system (sbatch, squeue, etc), to resolve
> >a security vulnerability in older versions of Slurm.
> >
> >During the outage, batch jobs won't be able to run.
> >
> >This means that, on Monday and Tuesday, if you want a job to
> >run, you'll need to make sure that it'll be able to end
> >by Wednesday 8:00am (so you might need to reduce its
> >time limit).
> >
> >We apologize for the inconvenience -- our goal is to make
> >OSCER systems and services even better!
> >
> >The OSCER Team ([log in to unmask])