OSCER users, Forwarding from FacultyHack@Gateways23 (Gateways23 conference). Please reply directly to them, and please feel free to forward to anyone who may be interested and appropriate. ================================================================== SUMMARY: FacultyHack@Gateways23 seeks faculty mentors Applications due: Sep 15 2023 Contact: Sandra Gesing ([log in to unmask]) https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hackhpc.github.io/facultyhack-gateways23/__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!7Yf-E4gYmPb8R2GFTXOx3lPEzwwcIRB5okJ3B6LMzIHq4ltg6W8eH6PLPjbEqVPu5aQjPifPDjnZ1X30vurCoac$ [hackhpc[.]github[.]io] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sciencegateways.org/gateways2023__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!7Yf-E4gYmPb8R2GFTXOx3lPEzwwcIRB5okJ3B6LMzIHq4ltg6W8eH6PLPjbEqVPu5aQjPifPDjnZ1X30SnlwYaw$ [sciencegateways[.]org] DETAILS: We (SGX3 - The Center of Excellence for Science Gateways) are looking for mentors for the [log in to unmask] Applications are due September 15 2023. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hackhpc.github.io/facultyhack-gateways23/__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!7Yf-E4gYmPb8R2GFTXOx3lPEzwwcIRB5okJ3B6LMzIHq4ltg6W8eH6PLPjbEqVPu5aQjPifPDjnZ1X30vurCoac$ [hackhpc[.]github[.]io] I hope some of you are interested or know people groups who are interested. The Faculty Hackathon is designed to be a collaborative and immersive experience for faculty members, fostering the adoption of HPC techniques and enhancing their expertise in computational science and data science. It also facilitates networking, knowledge sharing, and the development of new collaborations among faculty participants, mentors, and experts in the field. Faculty teams adapted High-Performance Computing (HPC) tools for use in the targeted courses. The most work is done online before Gateways 2023. Mentors are encouraged to join for the conference to support their mentees presenting the work in the poster session. Conference attendance is not mandatory. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sciencegateways.org/gateways2023__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!7Yf-E4gYmPb8R2GFTXOx3lPEzwwcIRB5okJ3B6LMzIHq4ltg6W8eH6PLPjbEqVPu5aQjPifPDjnZ1X30SnlwYaw$ [sciencegateways[.]org] Mentors provide datasets, tools and resources associated with their current projects. They are asked to submit Use Cases for the faculty hackathon teams. Faculty in the hackathon have the goal to enhance their existing courses with HPC/Gateway content that is given by the mentors. The mentors' suggestions will be used for class projects, assignments, homework exercises, etc., as the faculty revise their curriculum. Mentors also help to identify resources for faculty. Thanks, Sandra Sandra Gesing Scientific Outreach and DEI Lead Discovery Partners Institute University of Illinois Chicago Email: [log in to unmask] Phone: 1-312-668-9041 >https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://sandra-gesing.com/__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!7Yf-E4gYmPb8R2GFTXOx3lPEzwwcIRB5okJ3B6LMzIHq4ltg6W8eH6PLPjbEqVPu5aQjPifPDjnZ1X30aleNPRE$ [sandra-gesing[.]com]