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"Ha, Thang N." <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 13 Nov 2024 17:53:54 +0000
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OSCER users,

November 2024 OSCER's Intro workshop is tomorrow:
Thursday November 14th, 1:00-3:00pm


No preregistration needed -- just show up on Zoom!




* Logging in to OSCER's supercomputer

* Linux/Unix Basics

-- Basic Linux/Unix commands: pwd, ls, mkdir, cd, cp, cat,
chmod, man, exit, etc

-- Basic text editing for creating/modifying batch script
files, small input text files, etc

* OSCER supercomputer storage

-- Navigating your /home and /scratch directories

-- File uploading/downloading to/from supercomputer storage

-- OURdisk basics

* Batch Jobs

-- Overview of batch computing

-- Creating a Slurm batch script

-- Basic Slurm batch commands for submitting a batch job,
watching its status, viewing/following its output/error files,
cancelling it

-- Modules: searching, loading, listing, unloading/purging

PLUS, extras if time permits

* Useful Linux/Unix Command Line Skills

-- Copy-and-paste in the Linux/Unix terminal window

-- Re-running/modifying previous commands using the arrow keys

-- Filename completion using the tab key

-- Wildcards

* Batch Job Skills

-- Modifying a pending batch job (Slurm scontrol command)

-- Viewing info about past batch jobs (Slurm sacct command)


OSCER TRAINING WORKSHOPS IN 2024 -- live via Zoom!

No preregistration needed -- just show up on Zoom!

(1) Introduction to Linux/Unix Commands and
Running Batch Jobs on OSCER's Supercomputer

[Once each in Jan, Feb, March, Apr, Aug, Sep, Oct and Nov.]

(2) Running Python Jobs and Using Jupyter for Small Jobs
on OSCER's Supercomputer

[Once each in Jan, March, Sep and Dec.]

Details are below. Offerings are subject to change without

The OSCER Team ([log in to unmask])


You *MUST* be eligible for, and have, an OSCER supercomputer
account, to be able to get full value from any of these workshops:





Non-OU participants: You *MUST* have a Zoom account to
participate, which can be an institutional account or a free one.

If you don't already have a Zoom account, please go to:


and click on the button in the upper right of the page that says

Sign Up Free


(1) Introduction to Linux/Unix Commands and
Running Batch Jobs on OSCER's Supercomputer


Thu Aug 8 1:00-3:00pm
Thu Sep 19 1:00-3:00pm
Thu Oct 17 1:00-3:00pm
Thu Nov 14 1:00-3:00pm


* Logging in to OSCER's supercomputer

* Linux/Unix Basics

-- Basic Linux/Unix commands: pwd, ls, mkdir, cd, cp, cat,
chmod, man, exit, etc

-- Basic text editing for creating/modifying batch script
files, small input text files, etc

* OSCER supercomputer storage

-- Navigating your /home and /scratch directories

-- File uploading/downloading to/from supercomputer storage

-- OURdisk basics

* Batch Jobs

-- Overview of batch computing

-- Creating a Slurm batch script

-- Basic Slurm batch commands for submitting a batch job,
watching its status, viewing/following its output/error files,
cancelling it

-- Modules: searching, loading, listing, unloading/purging

PLUS, extras if time permits

* Useful Linux/Unix Command Line Skills

-- Copy-and-paste in the Linux/Unix terminal window

-- Re-running/modifying previous commands using the arrow keys

-- Filename completion using the tab key

-- Wildcards

* Batch Job Skills

-- Modifying a pending batch job (Slurm scontrol command)

-- Viewing info about past batch jobs (Slurm sacct command)


(2) Running Python Jobs and Using Jupyter for Small Jobs
on OSCER's Supercomputer


Tue Sep 24 9:00-11:00am
Thu Dec 5 1:00-3:00pm


* Creating a virtual Python environment in your home directory
and installing your preferred Python packages

* Small interactive Python runs using Jupyter
(JupyterLab/Jupyter Notebooks)

* Python for Machine Learning (especially on GPUs)

-- Module(s) for GPU-enabled Python ML (cuDNN/CUDA/Python)

-- Creating, submitting and monitoring a Python GPU ML
batch script