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Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
Sender: OSCER users <[log in to unmask]>
From: Henry Neeman <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2022 19:23:39 -0500
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OSCER users,

Forwarding from Clemson U Research Computing and Data.

Please reply directly to them, and please feel free to
forward to anyone who may be interested and appropriate.


Director of Advanced Computing and Data Services
Clemson University

Clemson Research Computing and Data (RCD) is seeking
a nationally recognized leader in advanced computing research
support as Director overseeing a team of research scientists
(computational research support specialists, ACI-REFs)
in support of Clemson University research.

Reporting to the Executive Director for Research Computing
Engagement, the Director serves as a leader, actively engaging
in outreach across Clemson to identify potential new users of
advanced computing resources (including HPC, HTC, Open Science
Grid, ACCESS, and cloud services).

The Director of Advanced Computing and Data Services leads
a team of research facilitators, all of whom work closely
with faculty, post-doctoral associates, students, and research
staff to understand their research, allowing for the
customization of training and support solutions.

The position leads those who provide application and
user support to all areas of the Clemson community.

Clemson promotes a collaborative, flexible work environment,
embraces diversity and inclusion, and encourages personal and
professional development.

Our ACDS Research Computing Facilitators provide concierge
and end-to-end solutions and support to Clemson research and
scholarship, leveraging the power of CCIT computing resources
-- these include the 1.7 petaflop Palmetto high performance
computing cluster, large-scale storage, next-generation
network technology, and more.

The Research Engagement Team is a highly collaborative work

Expertise within the ACDS team includes parallel and
high performance computing, full stack systems development,
machine learning, use of commercial clouds, and

ACDS works closely with the Advanced Cyber Infrastructure
(ACI) systems team, another significant component of
CCIT Research Computing and Data.

Team members leverage each other's strengths and knowledge to
help faculty and students use cyberinfrastructure to solve
research questions.

This position will participate in and contribute to the
management and refinement of existing services services.

In addition, this position will champion research technology
solutions and provide core support relating to university-wide
HPC and research storage data management.

The position will play a leadership role in outreach,
collaboration, training and engagement university-wide, with
an emphasis on using the Palmetto High Performance Compute
(HPC) cluster, specialized ML hardware, and applicable
cloud environments.

The position will provide introductory to advanced
consultations, instruction and support to faculty, students
and staff to develop, deploy, maintain and improve workflows,
analytical methods and models, associated research software,
gateways and cloud resources.

The ideal applicant will have the applied research and
publication experience needed to partner with faculty on
relevant grant submissions.

Expertise in providing HPC user support in a university,
national lab, or other research environment is required.

Strong technical and innovative problem-solving skills are
required, along with strong written and oral communication
and presentation skills.

Minimum requirements: Degree in mathematics, computer science,
engineering or related field with 10 years relevant work
experience or PhD in mathematics, data science, engineering
or related field with 7 years relevant work experience.
Experience using and providing user support for a Linux
high performance computing cluster.

Preferred background includes: PhD in related field,
some teaching or training experience, and experience as
PI or co-PI on one or more federally funded awards.


1. Direct supervisory responsibility, leadership, and
strategic planning for the Advanced Computing and Data Services

Involvement with national programs and organizations (e.g.
CaRCC, Internet2, Campus Champions, ACI-REFs) focused on
research support and professionalization of CI practitioners.

2. Work closely with Clemson's RCD leadership team (Executive
Director and other Directors) to set the strategic direction
of the department in alignment with the university's mission
and goals

3. Provide advanced computing support to faculty and students
in their computational research by assisting with conceptual
and practical realization of the research goals using local,
regional, and/or national advanced computational resources.

4. Lead the development and coordination of instructor-led
training focused on advanced computing. May provide trainings
and course curriculum. Align education, outreach, and training
programs with national standards and initiatives.

5. Provide research development by actively pursuing advanced
computing-related funding opportunities and partnerships.
Work closely with Clemson University researchers to understand
their computing needs and to develop solutions and funding
strategies, thereby enhancing the productivity of their research.

6. Lead large scale data processing and computational
pipeline/tool development in assigned areas, including
mentoring of new scientists, graduate students, and other
technical staff.

7. In conjunction with the Executive Director, other
RCD directors and CCIT Business Office, develop and manage
the budget for the ACDS team

8. Participate in professional development activities (e.g.,
training, conferences, etc.), advance personal knowledge in
computational science, and develop individual research
projects. Present at national meetings.

9. Keep abreast of all pertinent federal, state, and university
regulations, laws and policies as they presently exist and
as they change or are modified.

10. Perform other related duties as assigned.

To apply: Visit


and search for “HPC” or “Director of Advanced Computing & Data Services”