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"Neeman, Henry J." <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 1 Sep 2024 19:05:35 +0000
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OSCER users,

Resending this scheduled maintenance outage alert.

Although our records show that we sent this email
this past Thursday (Aug 29) at 5:48pm Central Time,
we've had reports that some of y'all didn't receive it.

Our apologies for that -- it's not clear what went wrong
with this listserv.


From: Neeman, Henry J. <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2024 12:48 PM
To: OSCER users <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Supercomputer/OURdisk scheduled maintenance outage Wed Sep 4 8am-midnight CT

OSCER users,

Supercomputer/OURdisk scheduled maintenance outage
Wed Sep 4, 8am-midnight Central Time

OSCER will hold a scheduled maintenance outage
for the supercomputer and OURdisk, specifically:

* Update the operating system to Enterprise Linux (EL)
version 9.4 on one of our /home diskfull servers.

* Replace OSCER's old internal database with a
new, better database.

* Reboot OURdisk's metadata server (MDS), to
establish a new set of connections to the compute nodes
and other clients, and to verify MDS backup failover.

* Upgrade the 4PP data center's power infrastructure to
accommodate more GPU nodes and compute nodes.

* Upgrade network connectivity on one of our storage nodes.

As always, we apologize for the inconvenience --
our goal is to make OSCER capabilities even better!

The OSCER Team ([log in to unmask])