OSCER users,
Regarding the Schooner login node problem:
We've identified two sources of this problem, and we're
working to resolve them both:
(a) the user database cache on the login nodes and dtn nodes
had gotten filled up with a lot of old cached data, so we've
flushed out all the old cached data,
(b) one of our /home directory diskfull servers, home2,
has experienced a network card failure, so we're replacing
that network card with a spare.
We hope to have the login issue resolved later today.
We apologize for the trouble!
On Sun, 6 Nov 2022, Henry Neeman wrote:
>OSCER users,
>Logins on schooner2 have also gone bad. We hope to have
>this issue resolved by tomorrow morning (Mon Nov 7).
>You can log in to Schooner, but it's a more complicated
>than usual.
>See below:
>We apologize for the trouble.
>For now, you can log in to
>instead of schooner, schooner1 or schooner2.
>On dtn2, /scratch directories are available,
>and also OURdisk directories.
>On dtn1, /scratch directories are available,
>but OURdisk directories might not be.
>For compiling, please log in to
>If the login procedure gets stuck after the login message,
>you can do the following:
>Ctrl-C Ctrl-C Ctrl-Z Ctrl-Z Ctrl-C Ctrl-C Ctrl-Z Ctrl-Z ...
>After several of those, you should get your regular
>Unix prompt.
>But, on schooner1 and schooner2, you might not be able to
>access your /scratch directory and/or your OURdisk directory
>(if you have one).
>(You should be able to access your /home directory there.)
>Please note that these problems *DON'T* appear to be
>affecting compute nodes, so your running and pending jobs
>should be fine.
>But it might be wise to double check, just in case.
>On Thu, 3 Nov 2022, Henry Neeman wrote:
>OSCER users,
>For the moment, please log in to
>instead of the usual schooner.oscer.ou.edu.
>This is because schooner1.oscer.ou.edu is currently hanging
>on logins.
>We'll alert you when schooner1 is back in full production.
>We apologize for the trouble!
>Henry Neeman ([log in to unmask])
>Director, OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research (OSCER)
>Associate Professor, Gallogly College of Engineering
>Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Computer Science
>OU Information Technology
>The University of Oklahoma
>Engineering Lab 212, 200 Felgar St, Norman OK 73019
>405-325-5386 (office), 405-325-5486 (fax), 405-245-3823 (cell),
>[log in to unmask] (to e-mail me a text message)