OSCER users at OU,
Today, Dell sent improved compute node and GPU node pricing.
So if you're interested, this is your best opportunity!
On Wed, 18 Jan 2023, Henry Neeman wrote:
>OSCER users at OU,
>Are you planning to purchase one or more "condominium"
>compute nodes (or GPU nodes)?
>If so, you might get the best pricing by making a purchase
>this month, with the Purchase Order sent by Thu Jan 26.
>This is because:
>(a) that's the end of Dell's fiscal year, so they
>might incentivize purchasing by then,
>(b) OSCER and others plan to make some large purchases
>this month, which might help all of us get better pricing,
>(c) server inflation has been pretty brutal, so
>the longer you wait, the higher the price is likely to be.
>* If you miss this deadline, you can still make purchases,
>but the price is likely to be somewhat higher.
>* The pricing deadline doesn't apply to OURdisk,
>nor to OURcloud, nor to OURRstore tape cartridges.
>Henry Neeman ([log in to unmask])
>Director, OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research (OSCER)
>Associate Professor, Gallogly College of Engineering
>Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Computer Science
>OU Information Technology
>The University of Oklahoma
>Engineering Lab 212, 200 Felgar St, Norman OK 73019
>405-325-5386 (office), 405-325-5486 (fax), 405-245-3823 (cell),
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