Tue, 28 Aug 2007 23:04:38 -0500
Greetings from the Contest Curmudgeon!
Hello all! The semester is definitely in full swing. Just a couple of
tidbits of information. I don't think we have any of the latest editions to
our club on the mailing list yet as this months organizational meeting is
next week. FYI for everyone(even new members) to see if there is any
interest in contest operating Friday night into Saturday. Ready to dust off
your contesting skills and ready to shoot contacts in a barrel? Here are two
events available this weekend. If your interest is peaked better bring your
notepad and callsign all warmed up or heck use ours!
Direct from ARRL September list:
*All-Asian DX Contest* -- Phone, 0000Z Sep 1-2400Z Sep 2 (see June *QST*, p
95, or *www.jarl.or.jp/English*).
*IARU Region 1 Field Day* -- SSB, sponsored by IARU Societies from 1300Z Sep
1-1300Z Sep 2 (see June *QST*, p 95). Logs due 16 days after the contest to
*[log in to unmask]*.
Any interest in doing some HF work? Contact your friendly local club
management officials or myself at [log in to unmask] and I will forward to the
proper channels if you can't live without working HF this weekend. Sorry to
blow holes in your friday evening outings!
Take care and
73 de KD5RAK
Jerrod Frederking