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Judson Ahern <[log in to unmask]>
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Judson Ahern <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 21 Sep 2006 08:39:07 -0500
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Tonight at 7 we have our on-the-air meeting: all are welcomed to listen and
licensed hams (club members or not) are encouraged to participate.

We have a problem, that we can look at as an opportunity:

146.88- is hard to hit because of desense, but the output signal is good.
This means if people can hear a weak signal "direct" (use the reverse
button), you could relay their info if you are able to get into the
repeater. When answering a question, please REPEAT THE QUESTION, because
people may not have heard the first station. [This is also important in HF
nets because often local hams can't hear each other but can hear distant

We may want to have our strongest station do frequent relays. I'm assuming
our esteemed leader, Robin KC0BSC, is net control op unless a change is
required. If she's in a bad position, someone else could assume control.
However, being a member of Boy Scours of Canada (only way I can remember her
call), I'm sure she will Be Prepared. ;-)

Normally we could switch to 147.06 SCARS repeater, and they have agreed to
that. Unfortunately, last news I have is that the east-side receiver (see
attached map), + offset, is not operational and the west-side receiver (see
attached map), - offset, is not working well. People on campus. though, may
be able to hit the - offset as it is on the press box.

We'll just have to see which repeater works best. I see this as an
opportunity because we can try to do as well as we can and look for ways to

One suggestion I should have mentioned earlier: If you are portable, get
somewhere high and ~in sight of a receiver. If you are mobile, likewise. If
you are using an HT, you probably know a rubber ducky is slightly better
than a dummy load. 19" of coat hanger wire might serve you better if you can
get a connector arrangement. An excellent antenna for HTs is a TV twin-lead
pole [you can roll up into your pocket and deploy by taping the top up high
on your wall!]   Next meeting I could bring plans and show you all one. I
might even have some twin-lead (needs to be non-foam-filled variety).

Remember, necessity is a mother...

Jud W5JA
Dr. Judson L. Ahern
Professor Emeritus, Geophysics
School of Geology & Geophysics
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019
[log in to unmask]     W5JA