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OU Amateur Radio Club <[log in to unmask]>
Judson Ahern <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 24 Sep 2009 10:33:59 -0500
Judson Ahern <[log in to unmask]>
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haven't heard much on this list for a while, so I thought you all needed
some spam. ;-)  This is for OSCAR enthusiasts or wannabes...
Dr. Judson L. Ahern
Professor Emeritus, Geophysics
School of Geology & Geophysics
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019
[log in to unmask]     W5JA

  It’s time for another College Satellite night!  I hope to hear all Oscar
capable college club stations on the air Thursday evening Oct. 1st (local
time) from 22:00 UTC to 0500 UTC for this special event.

 Make sure you get on the second AO-51 repeater (uplink: 145.880 MHz FM.
downlink: 435.150 MHz FM) made available for our special use. Also make sure
to e-mail or call as many ham radio clubs at other schools so that they will
know about these special events and get on the air…usage and country-wide
involvement is important.

From 22:00 UTC to 05:00 UTC also get on as many of the birds and make as
many contacts if you can, identifying your contacts as part of a college
night effort.  Other birds include SO50, AO7, VO52, and they should all have
passes during that time.  Contact friends at other university clubs and get
them to join in.

Please QSL all the stations you work as we are planning on creating an award
for working college club stations on satellite.  This makes for a great
public image for your school and rewards the stations for allowing us
coordinated use of such valuable time on the birds.   Make sure to work each
other as well and we will also create a special award for college clubs that
work and confirm the most other club stations on the birds!

73, Dr. Jay Garlitz, AA4FL

Gator ARC Faculty Advisor at UF
