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Alpha Sigma Delta Radio Society


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Wed, 6 Dec 2006 08:56:14 -0600
text/plain (34 lines)
On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 07:58:14PM -0600, Laws, Peter C. wrote:
> Thanks to all the OUARC members that operated WX5NWC!
> Some of you folks got your first taste of HF and seemed to like it.  :-)
> I have some Morse practice tapes if anyone would like to borrow them.
> Better, if someone has the capability to dub them onto blanks ...
> Don't believe the hype - 5 words per minute Morse is easy and you could
> have it down over the holiday break.

What He Said.

And I'll work with anyone who wants to do it.

You can make your own Morse practice tapes if you want, with a tape
machine, a PC, and a copy of G4FON's Koch Method Tutor or LB3KB's
Just Learn Morse Code. Both are good; the first has lots of bells
and whistles[1], the second doesn't.

Again, I'll work with anyone who wants to pass Element 1. Just let me
know and I'll arrange a class and/or a CW sked on-air.

[1]  Ability to turn QRM on at various levels or off completely,
     simulate manual straight-key sending with speed variations,
     apparent TX and/or RX drift as shown by changing frequency of
     audible signal, and so on.

73. de

Mike Andrews, W5EGO
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Tired old sysadmin