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Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:05:10 -0600
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Hi, folks. Steven KE5GAU suggested I subscribe, and Jud was kind
enough to approve the subscription request, so here I am.

The antenna-building session (Moxon rectangles, q.v.) we had last
Saturday (25Nov2006) was very successful, but it appears that a fair
number of folks in OUARC, SCARS and the community-at-large didn't
get word in time to attend, or had other commitments. I heard a fair
number of requests for a repeat session last night on the NICU net[1],
and hope to hold that session in December or January.

Please consider this an announcement of intent and a solicitation of
input for dates. I'll be asking Bill WG5T and Bill KD5DOB to put out a
similar notice to the SCARS list, and will ask for input on the ARES
net tomorrow night.

I'll provide at least some hand tools and an MFJ 259 SWR analyzer; you
will need to bring copper wire, PVC pipe and fittings (or other means
of stabilizing the conductive bits in a proper relationship to one
another), and whatever connector you want to use. I also have MoxGen
(the Moxon Rectangle generator) and EzNEC4+, so we can crank out specs
for Moxon antennas of any size and do a detailed analysis.

I used #6 AWG solid copper for my 2m Moxon, and it's _quite_ sturdy,
but that wire is *VERY* difficult to bend by hand; a Bernz-O-Matic
torch helps a lot, but isn't safe for indoor use. The aluminum ground
wire sold by Radio Shack probably can be used, as long as you have
a way to connect it securely to whatever connector (Type N, SO-239,
BNC) you decide to use. #8 and #10 AWG solid copper probably would
work fine, certainly would be easier to solder than aluminum, and
certainly would be easier to bend than #6 AWG copper, but a cursory
search didn't find any at local hardware stores.

I'm considering automotive fuel line as an alternative material: it's
a nice diameter, hollow, sturdy, and solderable. The compression
fittings may also be useful.

Please feel free to write me if you're interested, and/or to call
me (831-5392 Cell) if you have any questions. If you post questions
and/or suggestions to the list, I'll answer them on-list where I can,
so that all the members stay up to date. My cell phone is 831-5392 if
you want to talk about things.

[1]  You _do_ know about the NICU net? 147.060 (+ and -; PL 141.3),
Monday nights at 8 PM.

73, de

Mike Andrews, W5EGO
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Tired old sysadmin