If you are a student and need access to W5TC at the NWC (and don't already) have it. Heather Moser is the person that can make that happen. Ms Moser can be contacted via the friendly people at the security desk in the lobby. Dr Elmore can fill you in with details if need be.
Yours truly was a guest on the International Radio Report, a radio show about radio, that runs every Sunday morning at 1030 ET (so 0930 for us) on CKUT-FM 90.3 MHz in Montreal. Now, it's e-skip season, and while rare, it is​ possible to receive FM broadcast stations that far away, but the opening probably won't last the full 30 minutes even if it happens. Fortunately, their programming is streamed live at CKUT.ca and the show is archived there as well. Recently, the folks that host the show, founder Sheldon, VE2SHW, and GIlles have started distributing it via YouTube after the program airs live.
I can tell ... you don't believe that it's possible to hear an FM broadcast station ~2300 km downrange. I can assure you it is, though it is very rare. Doug Speheger, KC5JUS, is a forecaster at the Norman Forecast Office (in the NWC) and is a renowned FM DXer. Look at the dots on his map here:
Doug did a presentation at a SCARS meeting back before the pandemic (after I bugged him to do one for 10 years!):
OK, I guess that's really three things ...
Peter Laws, BS, MRCP / N5UWY
National Weather Center / Network Operations Center
University of Oklahoma Information Technology
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