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Alpha Sigma Delta Radio Society


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Tue, 16 Jan 2007 21:45:59 -0600
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Hi everyone -

Welcome back to those of you have made it back to Norman, and safe travels to those of you still delayed by Old Man Winter!

With the start of the new semester, let's revert back to the 7:00 p.m. meeting time for now. We can adjust the time again if people continue to have class schedule conflicts.

We are scheduled to have an on-air meeting this coming Thursday, Jen. 18th (note the time will change back to **7:00 p.m.**!!!) We'll use the SCARS repeater again unless I hear any squawks of protest from their direction. (Dave Grizzle? Is the disaster declaration still on?) My cheap chimney J-pole blew down during the ice storm, so I'll have to run the net from the dimly lit, icy comfort of my mobile rig... so be assured, I'll keep it brief. Things we really need to nail down include the campus radio checks and the upcoming spotter training at NWC on March 8th.

Great news! Our advisor, Dr. Pam Wilson (N0MGC), and her husband, Dr. Kim Elmore (N5OP), have graciously offered to host our Feb. 1st meeting at their house in east Norman. They have one hell of a shack that I'm sure they will love to show off! Here are the directions to their house:
"Go East on Robinson. 0.6 mi past East 48th street is a left turn onto
a road going North. This will be flanked by two brick frontispieces
emblazoned with "Burlwood Country Estates." Head North on that road
(Burlwood Road, but not marked with a sign). Burlwood Road ends in an
oval surrounding a horse training arena. Take a left around the oval.
Our driveway is on the Northwest quadrant."
I'll send out another reminder as the meeting date approaches. I'll likely bring some food to their place; feel free to do likewise!

At the Jan. 4th meeting (at Moe's), two people handed me their prorated dues for the spring semester. Silly me, I failed to write down names; I think I remember who it was but I'm not positive. Could those two individuals please identify themselves to me offline? Be honest!

Again, welcome back! Although it doesn't feel like it right now, storm season is only a few weeks away. It's time for action!

Robin Tanamachi, KC0BSC
Graduate Research Assistant
OU School of Meteorology
National Weather Center
120 David L. Boren Blvd., Suite 5355
Norman, OK 73072-7307

"Learning without thought is labor lost; thought
without learning is perilous." -- Confucius, The Analects

P.S. I kept part of my promise to upgrade over winter break. This past Thursday, I passed Element 3. Will try Element 1 in February. I hope others were successful in making their upgrades!