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Alpha Sigma Delta Radio Society


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Mon, 18 Dec 2006 10:51:01 -0600
text/plain (28 lines)
Thanks to all (including Chip WX9EMT, Matthew KE5IAR, Matt KE5DUA,
Dave N5ZZM, Andrea [No call yet]) who showed up, bent wire, drilled
PVC, soldered stuff, and made antennas. Special thanks to David
Grizzle KD5ZLG of the City of Norman Emergency Management Departmemt
for the use of his MFJ269B antenna analyzer and to the City of Norman
Emergency Management Department for the supplies they provided.

Everyone went away with a usable antenna and some ideas on how to make
it better. Matt KE5DUA drove down from Tulsa, and provided room-temp
807s for those of age. The weather was very cooperative, except that
the usual Oklahoma wind made it difficult to keep the propane torch
lighted while doing heavy soldering.

The next antenna party probably will be in March, and we'll make
something other than Moxons then. I promise!

I'll be working on at least one foxhunt transmitter between now and
then, and maybe a supercheap 1-chip 2m receiver based on a Philips
SA605DK or SA615DK. More on that last when I get the hardware sources
located and get the chip ordered.

73, de

Mike Andrews, W5EGO
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Tired old sysadmin