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Alpha Sigma Delta Radio Society


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Thu, 21 Jun 2007 12:16:35 -0500
text/plain (1227 bytes) , Press release.doc (25 kB)
Hi all -

Attached is a copy of the Field Day press release that David Grizzle sent out earlier in the week to all the local media outlets.* We will be "open to the public" from 1 - 6 p.m. this Saturday in the NWC parking lot, and continue working Field Day through the night until Sunday afternoon.

Field Day is going to be a HUGE deal, and we're very excited! I personally invite ALL club members to come out to the NWC on Saturday, show your support for the club, and bring your friends! If you can help us to operate the radios, particularly overnight, please let us know what hours you will be available.

Chip L. and Chris P. deserve a standing ovation for all the hard work they've been doing putting this event together!


*Please note that, for the purposes of this event, we're temporarily renaming our group the Oklahoma Student Amateur Radio Club (OSARC). We are not allowed to use the trademarked acronym "OU" in our name for publicity purposes.

Robin Tanamachi, KC0BSC
Graduate Research Assistant
OU School of Meteorology
National Weather Center
120 David L. Boren Blvd., Suite 5355
Norman, OK 73072-7307

"Learning without thought is labor lost; thought
without learning is perilous." -- Confucius, The Analects