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OU Amateur Radio Club <[log in to unmask]>
"Tanamachi, Robin L." <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 9 Jan 2008 11:19:13 -0600
multipart/mixed; boundary="_004_4DBFF07F7D43C2499BC3C48A018C574A79FD534239XMAIL2soonern_"
"Tanamachi, Robin L." <[log in to unmask]>
Hi folks -

Our January meeting will be held at Kim Elmore and Pam Wilson's house tomorrow evening (Thurs., Jan. 10th) starting at 7 p.m. Maps and meeting agenda are attached. They've agreed to provide pizza, and I'll bring a veggie tray. If you can, please bring chips, non-alcoholic drinks, cookies, or whatever else you wish to eat. Hopefully Kim and Pam will provide us with a tour of their shack at the end of the meeting!

Even if you haven't attended the last few meetings, I invite and encourage you to attend this one. We've got some big plans coming up in 2008 and we'd love to have everyone on board!

Directions: Go East on Robinson, about 0.6 mi past 48th Ave NE. You'll see a white vinyl fence on the left. Turn in at the unmarked street (which is Burlwood Rd.). Go to the end and take the driveway into the log house. The driveway is on the NW corner of the "lollipop" oval at the end of the street. Someone will monitor quad-5 (145.555 simplex), in case anyone gets lost.

See you there!

Robin Tanamachi, KC0BSC
Graduate Research Assistant
OU School of Meteorology
National Weather Center
120 David L. Boren Blvd., Suite 5355
Norman, OK 73072-7307

"The reward of the young scientist is the emotional thrill of being the first person in the history of the world to see something or to understand something... The reward of the old scientist is the sense of having seen a vague sketch grow into a masterly landscape." -- Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin