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Comm Job Listserv <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 Feb 2015 11:38:22 -0600
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OU Communication Graduate Program-Job Annoucements - 02032015

Spring, 2015


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In this Newsletter:

* Augustana College: Comm tenure-track
* Western Michigan University: PR
* Subscription Details


* Augustana College: Comm tenure-track *

deadline Feb 13, 2015

Augustana College invites applications for a tenure-track position in
Communication Studies.  Ph.D. is strongly preferred, although ABD will
be considered. Position is open to experienced colleagues at all levels;
rank is dependent on qualifications. The college has a rich and active
tradition of engagement with its community and the world; the department
has a rich tradition of providing leadership to the college and to its
interdisciplinary programs. As a result, we are looking for colleagues
who are broadly educated in the field, and appreciative of the role of
communication in a liberal arts education. The department participates
actively in the college's interdisciplinary General Education program,
and we will encourage our new colleagues to design and teach courses
there. The department's current curriculum is richly diverse, and we are
open to adding courses that reflect our new colleagues’ strengths and
passions.  This position requires expertise in organizational and
strategic communication that informs corporate and nonprofit practice:
communication technologies, public relations, crisis management,
building sales and/or donor relationships, training and professional
development, ethics and social responsibility, and leadership.  This
individual will oversee the college’s certificate in nonprofit
leadership development which is housed in our department.

The teaching load at the college is seven courses over three terms;
first year teaching load is typically six courses. Questions about this
position should be directed to the Department Chair, Ellen Hay, [log in to unmask]
.  Review of  applications will begin immediately. To assure full
consideration, application materials should arrive by February 13, 2015.

Application Process –
A complete application will include the following:
•letter of application
•curriculum vitae
•copy of graduate transcripts
•statement of teaching philosophy
•evidence of teaching effectiveness
•sample of scholarly writing
•three letters of recommendation

All application materials should be mailed to:
 Search #112-15 Comm St. LD,
 C/O Pareena Lawrence, Dean of the College,
 Augustana College,
 639 – 38th Street,
 Rock Island, IL  61201
 or submit materials via email to [log in to unmask] . 

 Augustana College is an equal opportunity employer and actively
encourages applications from women and persons of diverse ethnic
backgrounds.  We do not discriminate based on age, race, color, ethnic
origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability or creed. 

* Western Michigan University: PR *

Assistant Professor of Communication, starting August 2015, pending
budgetary approval

Position:             Assistant Professor of Communication, starting
August 2015, pending budgetary approval.
Qualifications:  Candidates ideally will understand current best
practices of public relations with a rhetorical or critical background.
Candidates with an interest in issues of diversity and inclusion are
preferred. Candidates who have an earned doctorate in public relations
or communication, or have a reasonable expectation of completing all
requirements for the degree prior to August 15, 2015, are preferred. 
Demonstrated excellence in teaching and evidence of a record of
continuing or promising scholarly/ creative activity are required. 
Demonstrated commitment to support the success of students 
   from underrepresented groups is also required. Experience mentoring
students of color and/or diverse socio-economic backgrounds as well as
mentoring graduate students is desirable.
Responsibilities: Teach undergraduate and graduate courses both Fall and
Spring semesters related to public relations and other relevant courses
in organizational or communication theory, depending on academic
expertise. The ability to teach in introductory and general education
courses is also expected. Other responsibilities  include maintaining an
active research and/or creative activities agenda and  mentoring
graduate and undergraduate students.
University:         WMU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
Employer consistent with applicable federal and State law.  All
qualified applicants are encouraged to apply. Candidates who bring
diverse perspectives to the School through their research and teaching
and have successful experience mentoring students of color are strongly
encouraged to apply. 
Compensation:   Salaries are competitive.  The academic year is eight
months (late August through April).  Generous fringe benefits, including
full TIAA/CREF contributions, are provided as are opportunities to teach
in the summer for additional compensation.
Starting Date:    August 2015.
Applications:      Review of applications will begin February 5, 2015,
and will continue until filled. Applicants should visit http://www.wmich.edu/hr/careers-at-wmu.htm
to apply. Online applications should include: a) vita, and b) letter of
application which addresses fulfillment of qualifications including
summary of research program, summary of teaching experience, and
pedagogical philosophy.   
Graduate transcripts should be mailed directly to: Public Relations
Search Committee Chair, School of Communication, Western Michigan
University, 1903 W. Michigan, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5318. 
In electronic format, applicants must provide a) summary of teaching
evaluations, b) two examples of research activity, and c) three letters
of recommendation sent to [log in to unmask];  For further information:


* Subscription Details *

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