--- Eric Webb <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hey Improviseurs,
Please take a look at the information below on
University elections. This is important to us because
it determines all the people that make decisions about
our money and resource (cameras, karaoke, etc.)
allocations in the fall. The current administration
has done a lot to provide more services to students
and to us as an organization. To maintain the same
stellar service next year, vote Chelsea and Kenah.
Chelsea is the current VP and has been integral in
changes this year. It is important to get out our vote
because all the candidates are working to mobilize
their voters. We want to be sure we do all we can for
the candidates we each want.
Thanks for reading,
> Dear All,
> Please take the time to vote in the UOSA Elections
> being held today
> and tomorrow. You can vote from any computer with
> internet access from
> 9am Tuesday to 9pm on Wednesday by going to
> elections.ou.edu
> In addition to the above reminder I want to put
> forward, for your
> consideration, my choice of candidates for UOSA
> President and
> Vice-President, Chelsea Render and Kenah Nyanat. As
> Coordinator of the
> Student Organization Resource Office, part of the
> UOSA Executive
> Branch, I have had the opportunity to work with
> Chelsea over the last
> year in her role as the current Vice-President of
> UOSA. Chelsea has
> been part of a team that has brought about real
> change in the last
> year, and real results... And yes, I know that's
> their campaign
> slogan, but it's really true. (I'll list some of the
> Spears/Render
> Administration accomplishments below.) Chelsea is a
> person of good
> character, intelligence, and heart and she has my
> respect and my
> support in this election.
> Many of you belong to groups that have been affected
> by some of these
> changes, through SORO, the office I run for UOSA.
> This office is here
> because of Dean and Chelsea. I am thrilled at all
> we've been able to
> do for student groups at OU and I want to see
> Chelsea and Kenah be
> able to continue on with this and all the efforts
> begun in the last
> year.
> Regardless of who you end up voting for, please take
> the time to look
> over the candidate bios/platforms at
> elections.ou.edu so as to make an
> informed decision.
> I would ask all of you that belong to a student
> organization to please
> pass this or some other kind of reminder along to
> any kind of listserv
> or e-mail lists you have. To the rest of you please
> forward this or
> some other kind of reminder to all of your friends
> currently enrolled
> full-time at OU.
> Only a few thousand people ever vote in these
> elections, so a few
> hundred people really can make a difference in a
> deciding a race.
> --
> Sincerely,
> Eric Webb
> Coordinator, UOSA Student Organization Resource
> Office
> Home Phone: (405) 307-9769
> Office Phone: (405) 325-5214
> E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
> AIM: thelastavatar
> -----
> (The following is taken from elections.ou.edu)
> Chelsea Render and Kenah Nyanat
> Email Address: [log in to unmask]
> Website: http://www.chelseaandkenah.com
> Chelsea & Kenah... results!
> You elected us last year because we made promises we
> could keep.
> We fixed student government, and we delivered.
> - Created a free textbook library, worth over
> $16,000 in student savings.
> - Made student season tickets count towards points
> after graduation
> - Established a free bicycle check-out program
> - Created tutoring.ou.edu, an online database to
> help students find tutors
> - Started mentoring.ou.edu, online peer mentoring
> because advising
> isn't getting the job done
> - Took 43 students to the state capitol to fight for
> more affordable college
> - Started SORO, the Student Organization Resource
> Office, which:
> - Centralized all the forms you need to run a
> club
> - Helps clubs apply to 12 sources of funding
> - Checks out free equipment to clubs, like sound
> systems and food tents
> - Helped international students save money on
> insurance
> - More than doubled use of free electronic reserves
> instead of
> expensive course packets
> - Fought back a proposed 15 credit-hour minimum rule
> - Achieved 90 new commuter parking garage spaces
> over two years
> - Increased the Union food donation to clubs, again,
> by $10,000
> - Created UOSA Emergency Funding
> - Combined UOSA funding and office space into one,
> easy, online application
> - Secured free phone service for club offices and
> cubicles
> - Created the online Course Exchange System
> - Stood up against sexual assault and fought for
> campus safety
> - Held the Student Activity Fee budget accountable
> to student majority
> review, for the first time ever
> - Fought student debt and credit card solicitation
> on campus
> - Made it so unused meal points roll over from fall
> to spring
> - Had Arts & Sciences course evaluations released,
> with more coming next year
> - ... and more!
> Everybody agrees this has been the most productive
> year UOSA has seen.
> However, we couldn't have done it without the
> students in the new
> executive branch, without attracting more candidates
> for Student
> Congress than ever before, and without our
> supporters in student
> clubs, among international students, in the Greek
> system, with Kenah
> in the College of Engineering, and across campus.
> With your help, we'll make these changes permanent.
> Next year we'll:
> - Expand free check-outs and add laptops,
> calculators, and clickers
> - Continue to support student clubs
> - Bigger, better Student Organization Resource
> Office; more check-outs
> - Have the university share the burden of alcohol
> policy compliance
> - Central student organization calendar
> - Create a fee waiver system
> - Fight for a budgetable schedule of college costs,
> for years ahead
> - Create UOSA Departments of Student Safety and of
> Commuter Affairs
> - Expand taxi vouchers and saferide
> - Make course evaluations public online
> - Keep responding to you at action.ou.edu
> We're about results. Learn more at
> http://www.chelseaandkenah.com.
> With your vote, we'll be keeping our promises,
> again.
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