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For Workshop and Performance <[log in to unmask]>
"Edwards, Jay A." <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 23 Aug 2010 21:55:01 +0000
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"Edwards, Jay A." <[log in to unmask]>
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Dear Fans of Improv,

Ever want to watch, learn and even DO improv?  This semester, O.U. Improv will host a weekly event where you can do just that!  Every Tuesday in the Union at 7pm, anyone in the OU community is welcome to drop by and jam with us, play games, make up scenes, or just hang out and watch.  If you're interested in performing or just laughing at other people, come check it out!

Check out our Facebook Event here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=136315173078086
O.U. Improv's site: www.ouimprov.com<http://www.ouimprov.com>

List of rooms for Fall 2010:*

Aug 24:    Traditions Room, 2nd Floor, Union
Aug 31:    Pioneer, 2nd Floor, Union

Sep 7:    Spoon holder, North Oval (weather permitting)
Sep 14:    Pioneer Room, 2nd Floor, Union
Sep 21:    Traditions, 2nd Floor, Union
Sep 28:    Sooner, 1st Floor, Union

Oct 5:    Crimson, 2nd Floor, Union
Oct 12:    Frontier, 2nd Floor, Union
Oct 19:    Pioneer, 2nd Floor, Union
Oct 26:    Crimson, 2nd Floor, Union

Nov 2:    Frontier, 2nd Floor, Union
Nov 9:    Frontier, 2nd Floor, Union
Nov 16:    Frontier, 2nd Floor, Union
Nov 23:    None (Happy Thanksgiving!)
Nov 30:    Frontier, 2nd Floor, Union

*This list is subject to change.  Each entrance of the Union has a sign with a list of events that day, and we will be under "O.U. Improv: Improv Club."


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