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Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
Sender: For Workshop and Performance <[log in to unmask]>
From: "Edwards, Jay A." <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2011 14:00:15 +0000
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Ladies, Gentlemen and Others,

Celebrate ten years of laughter on the University of Oklahoma campus!  The O.U.Improv! 10th Anniversary Reunion Show is a free, unscripted comedy extravaganza!  It will bring together past and present members of Obviously Unrehearsed Improv! (aka O.U.Improv!, aka OUI!) for an amazing night of comedy, made up on the spot and based on audience suggestions.   The fun happens Saturday, April 23rd at 7pm in Dale Hall, Room 200 (on Lindsey St., near Elm St.) on the University of Oklahoma, Norman campus.

This special show will have three parts with two intermissions.  The first two parts will feature a mixture of current and former OUI! members performing “short form” improv games similar to those seen on the television show “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”  The final part will be a “long form” improv with all the performers.

OUI! started with a group of friends getting together to play improv games like the ones seen on “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”  In 2001 these friends decided to turn their love of improv into an official student group at the University of Oklahoma.  Ten years later the troupe is still going strong with monthly shows at OU during the Fall and Spring semesters, along with special shows year round in Oklahoma and elsewhere.

OUI! has had a large impact on the improv community in central Oklahoma.  In the summer of 2008 several former (and some then current) members of OUI! formed “Red Dirt Improv” (RDI.)  RDI has been performing shows in Oklahoma City ever since and also produces the annual “Improv Festival Oklahoma.”  In December of 2009 four former members of OUI! started “Oklahoma City Improv” (OKCI,) a regular showcase for Oklahoma improv troupes.  OUI! and RDI both performed in OKCI’s first show.  There are now several more troupes in the OKC area with past OUI! members such as “Twinprov”, “MiDolls” and “Fortune’s Fools.”

Obviously Unrehearsed Improv! (OUI!), Oklahoma's premiere college comedy troupe, specializes in short-form, long-form, and musical improv. We perform across the state at colleges, festivals, art happenings, and private events entertaining hundreds each year. In addition, OUI! also teaches workshops in conjunction with public schools, library systems, and other academic institutions.  Outside its status as a registered student organization at OU as granted by UOSA, O.U. Improv! is in no way endorsed by or representative of The University of Oklahoma, its partners, or affiliates.

For more information visit www.ouimprov.com<http://www.ouimprov.com/> or email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Facebook Event: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/event.php?eid=137495569655303<http://www.facebook.com/home.php#%21/event.php?eid=137495569655303>

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