Thu, 18 Oct 2007 08:40:30 -0500
It's almost Halloween - time for another improv show!
Come join us for a night of improv comedy this Saturday, October 20th in the Scholars Room on the third floor of the Oklahoma Memorial Union. The show will run from 8pm to 10pm with a 10 minute intermission. Admission is $5 or FREE with an OU student ID. We will also have T-shirts, buttons, stickers, and freshmen for sale before and after the show.
Be sure to check out our player profiles and clips from previous shows at our website, For more information about this show or to make special arrangements, call Raychel Winstead at (405)812-9899 or email [log in to unmask]
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If you want more information about OU Improv! practice times, and workshops, or are interested in becoming a Hard Core Member go to and sign up for [log in to unmask]