Obviously Unrehearsed Improv Announcement List


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"Edwards, Jay A." <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 28 Aug 2024 19:18:34 +0000
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Hello Aspiring OU Improv Players,

Have you already slept in accidentally even though it's the first week of school? Did you have to make up a quick solution to get to class on time? Then you, my dear friend, may be talented at improv! Amazing news! But, how to you practice your newly realized talent? Even more amazing news! Obviously Unrehearsed Improv is holding auditions next Tuesday, September 3rd at 6:30 in the Bartlett Room of the Union!

If you are interested in auditioning but have questions for the team, please don't hesitate to join the GroupMe via the QR-code down below or message us on our Instagram: @ou_improv


Thank you,
Jay Edwards
Advisor, OUI


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