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For Workshop and Performance <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 30 Oct 2005 22:31:47 -0800
Marcella <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Marcella <[log in to unmask]>
To: OUI Hardcore <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (95 lines)
Hello all O.U. Improv fans!

It's Niigon, coach of the O.U. Improv! troupe!  I
would like to send out a HUGE kudos to all of our fans
on behalf of the troupe for the TREMENDOUS support we
have gotten this year.  Already, this term we have
done shows for and entertained over 1,500 people and
have had GREAT support at all of them... we are
ALREADY on pace to break our record of 3,500 fans
entertained during the 2004-2005 season of O.U.

Some other highlights we have had as a result of your
efforts are a top five finish in voting for the "Top Live Performance
Art Group" category in "The
Oklahoma Gazette", numerous articles in the OU Daily
and SIN, and a record 400+ people who attended our
2005 season kickoff Meacham Improv Show!

So thanks to you from everyone in the troupe.

A reminder that our next show is Saturday, Nov. 19 for
more O.U. Improv!  hilarity!  At that show we will be
incorporating our newest member, Albert, and trying
out new forms and games as we prepare to submit a tape
for the Chicago International Improv festival in their
"college troupe" category!  O.U. Improv is truly
reaching new heights and we look forward to seeing you


We are asking for something special from you now,
here, in this very email.  You, being a loyal O.U.
Improv! fan, have seen a show somewhere, someplace,
somehow, which is likely how you got on our email
list.   Recently, we have been making improvements to
our website, and have added a "Articles and Reviews"
section.  We would like (drumroll please) YOU to email
a QUICK review of a show you have seen (2-3
sentences), what you thought of it, and perhaps a
rating or something for inclusion on our website!!!!
Please also include your name and your contact details
and those used on the website will receive a FREE O.U.
Improv!  bumper sticker!  Yes, a free bumper sticker!

Possible reviews could look like this:

"I loved O.U. Improv!  It's the best date idea in
town! My girlfriend and I met there and we are still
together.  O.U. Improv!, thanks for bringing love to
my life!"
- Bill Leiderhausen, O.U. freshman

"It's a belly full of laughs!  My favorite game is
'Word Machine'!  I would go back!"
- Smith Smitherton, O.U. sophmore

"I never miss a show!  I love Dave Courtright, he's my
favorite and by far the sexiest.  I'll never forget
the way he used my suggestion 'Jurassic Park'!  Dave,
you can jurassic my park any night of the week."
- Susy Mclovesme, O.U. football fan turned improv

Thanks everyone, in advance, for your contributions!
Make sure to include your contact info and we will
mail you a bumper sticker.  Please email your reviews
to: [log in to unmask] for inclusion on the site!
And thanks for supporting O.U. Improv!  We love you!

Artistic Director/Coach, O.U. Improv!

Niigonwedom (james sinclair), B.Ed., B.A. (Hons)
Graduate Student - Native American Literatures
2004-2006 Sutton Fellowship Recipient
The University of Oklahoma, Department of English
email: [log in to unmask]
website: http://students.ou.edu/S/James.M.Sinclair-1/
cell phone: (405) 414-8651
office phone: (405) 325-4661

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.


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If you want more information about OU Improv! practice times, and workshops, or are interested in becoming a Hard Core Member go to http://lists.ou.edu and sign up for [log in to unmask]