Fri, 29 Aug 2008 17:59:51 -0500
Welcome to another wonderful year at the University of Oklahoma! Now that
you've had a chance to get settled in and figure out where all your classes
are, you're probably ready for a break. Well then have I got news for you!
This Saturday, one night only, Obviously Unrehearsed Improv! and Red Dirt
Improv will be performing live, together on the same stage! As if that
wasn't enough reason to fight the game-day traffic and head to the Union,
this will also be the farewell performance of Raychel Winstead, who will be
departing very soon for Germany. So come one, come all, and bring a friend
to this very special night of improv magic!
*What: *Obviously Unrehearsed Improv! and Red Dirt Improv perform together!
*Where: *Heritage room, second floor, Oklahoma Memorial Union
*When: *Saturday, August 30th at 8pm
Be sure to get there early to get a good seat! See you there!
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