Obviously Unrehearsed Improv Announcement List


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Ben Ferrone <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 9 Mar 2012 15:27:06 -0600
text/plain (14 lines)

Have you been feeling cooped-up lately? Bored? Maybe a little neglected? Do you wish someone would show you they care about you? Well O.U. Improv loves you, baby, and wants to take you out to Michelangelo's Coffee and Wine Bar and show you a good time this Saturday night!

We'll be performing a FREE show tomorrow night to prove how much we care about you all. The show will run from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. with an intermission. Michelangelo's is located at 207 E. Main St.

Our shows are always intended for all ages, but please remember that unscripted comedy may not always be suitable for all audiences. 

For more information about the troupe, show times, booking information, and to watch videos of our performances, please go to our website: www.ouimprov.com. You can also sign up for regular E-Mail updates regarding upcoming shows and workshops. If you have questions or need to make arrangements due to disability, please email [log in to unmask]


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