Obviously Unrehearsed Improv Announcement List


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"Winstead, Raychel N." <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:03:24 -0500
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Performer, musician, administrator, or audience - you can be it all, and O.U.Improv! wants to make you laugh while being it!

Obviously Unrehearsed Improv!, the University of Oklahoma's premier comedy troupe, will be hosting two events this week to bring you the joy of comedy and get you plugged in to the improv scene:

FIRST:  Improv Musician Auditions! Do you play guitar? Piano? Kazoo? Come play for us! If you are interested in seeing what being a part of musical improv is all about, come to the Pioneer Room (Student Union) on Thursday, September 13th, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. All you need to bring is your instrument (piano players, don't worry; we've got one for you here). No previous improv experience necessary.

NEXT: The Improv Club! Are you interested in performing improv? What about being part of the behind-the-scenes magic?  Or just laughing at other people?  If you fit any of these descriptions, come hang with us in the Pioneer Room (Student Union) on Friday, September 14th, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM.  There'll be general information about the club, a workshop on improv skills for everyone, and then an open-mic jam session!

Tell your friends about our upcoming events.  Tell your friends' friends.  Tell that guy that you see walking down the street with a guitar case every day. What will you tell them?  Here's the recap:

Thursday, Sept. 13, 7:00 - 9:00 PM:  Improv Musician Auditions (Pioneer Room, 2nd floor, OMU)
Friday, Sept. 14, 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Improv Club (Pioneer Room, 2nd floor, OMU)

If you have questions about upcoming improv events or are interested in improv but can't make a scheduled meeting, e-mail us at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. Also, check out video and pictures from our performances at our website, www.ouimprov.com<http://www.ouimprov.com/>.


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If you want more information about OU Improv! practice times, and workshops, or are interested in becoming a Hard Core Member go to http://lists.ou.edu and sign up for [log in to unmask]