Obviously Unrehearsed Improv Announcement List


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Thu, 11 Sep 2008 18:02:20 -0500
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Obviously Unrehearsed Improv! presents Time For a Laugh this Saturday,
September 13th, in the Scholars Room of the Oklahoma Memorial Union at
8:00 PM. Come join us for the on-the-spot fun you've come to expect
from Oklahoma's premiere improv comedy troupe.

O.U.Improv! has been entertaining students and non-students alike for
years through monthly shows, workshops, street theater, and private
bookings.  If you've never seen an OUI! show, now is the perfect time!
 Public shows are open to all ages, however some material may not be
suitable for children.  Audience participation is a must!  So bring a
friend and be ready to be a part of this high-energy, hilarious show.

For more information about the troupe or to see clips from past shows,
check out www.ouimprov.com.  For information about the upcoming show
or to make special arrangements, please email [log in to unmask]

Amy A.
[log in to unmask]


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